혹시라도 읽으신 분 중 잘못된 문법과 표현을 발견하시는 분은 과감히 지적해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
부족한 영어 실력과 표현 능력으로 제 의사와 다르거나 부족하게 전달되는 부분이 많을 수 있습니다.
영어로 작성한 포스트는 발행하지 않습니다.
Jogging in the early morning has a lot of good points. But it also has hard things to do so. Let’s talk about hard things. For running in the morning, I have to get up early. But it is very hard. Actually to go to sleep in the early night is more difficult than to get up early in the morning. I have to go to bed as early as possible because I have to get up early in the morning for jogging at the park. But when I go to bed at night, I usually feel sorry for my time. I think that I’m wasting my time to sleep. Then I feel very tired when I get up. It is a kind of vicious circle. I go to bad late at night. I get up late at morning. And then go to the park for jogging. And I feel very tired all day. And then.... So I think that the important thing to live regular life is to go to bed early at night. It makes you diligent. it gives you the power to run. And it gives you health. Your life will be full of energy.
gradually : 점점, 차차, 조금씩(= little by little)
A vicious circle : 악순환
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