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혹시라도 읽으신 분 중 잘못된 문법과 표현을 발견하시는 분은 과감히 지적해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
부족한 영어 실력과 표현 능력으로 제 의사와 다르거나 부족하게 전달되는 부분이 많을 수 있습니다.
혹시라도 읽으신 분 중 잘못된 문법과 표현을 발견하시는 분은 과감히 지적해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
부족한 영어 실력과 표현 능력으로 제 의사와 다르거나 부족하게 전달되는 부분이 많을 수 있습니다.
In my opinion, the death penalty must exist in our society. A Human being’s right, dignity is very important. Actually law guarantees that. For this reason, existence of the death penalty is the action of breaking the law. But I think that we can violate the right of the man who violates other man’s right. Someone have to punish that kind of man. So the government has to take this competence. Opponents also say that the death penalty has problems. They say that the most dangerous problem of the death penalty is wrong decision. Sometimes the court decides wrong decision. The wrong man who is not a criminal is punished sometimes. Yes. It is big problem. Wrong decision may kill somebody who is not guilty because of the death penalty. But this is different from basement of my opinion. I mean it has to be. We have to consider it very carefully, when we punish someone with the death penalty. All criminals don’t need to die. What I’m saying isn’t killing all the criminals. The convict who has absolutely bad case must be punished with the death penalty. And when we clearly feel sure of their crime. Then the existence of the death penalty itself may decrease the rate of crimes.
dignity : 존엄성, 장중함, 고위관료
competence : 적성, 자격, 권한, 권능
Opponent : 반대하는, 반대자
convict : 유죄를 입증하다, 유죄를 선언하다, 죄인, 죄수
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